Custom Commissions

Custom Kinkis

Did you want to get a customized Kinkcorn of your very own or for a gift? Do we do that? 


Yes, we do

(family friendly or kinky)

Keeping the spirit of the original Kinkicorns, we can customize a stuffed animal or toy to fit your personalized vision.

Custom Kinkis start at a base cost of $80, but final pricing will vary depending on your customization requirements. 

Our commission slots are limited. Submit your custom request today!

Custom Kinkis Request

Check out some of our past projects

Customized Stuffed Animal

“I never thought someone could capture my essence with a stuffed tap dancing Okapi, but she did. It’s super cute – Sharon did a great job!”
~ Carina

Customized Kinkicorns

with the infamous 

“Pleasure Pocket”

Kink-I-corn with an I

not Kinkycorn with a Y